[musical.(function Transform(){blau}*(euph.OR.i.[a](NGE)))];
The musical was first born May 2017 at Acker Stadt Palast and was of 8 hour duration and the second performance was November 2017 at HAU2 of 45 minute duration. There exists a main plot, but depending on the performance it may be obscure to the viewer. This is an ongoing project/narrative, still very much under development and always looking for new participants/inspirations. The characters and costumes are created with the performers, making this a collaborative effort. The main plot revolves around a young feminine creature, i.ru(ORA), who is lost & befriends HORSE, who announces destiny: a virgin birth of many children. A fiend warns of the horse, but i.ru continues, eventually giving birth and meeting Mr Fishy, a fish (who was meant for more than just swimming). Finally finding residence in a swamp, they meet other creatures. Zimt (the dragon), whose wings inspire Mr fishy to fly, and the beloved Swirled Peas, a drug addicted soccer mom who just wants to have fun. After creating a fitting environement for the characters, a strange new child, L'(ost) enfant, is placed into their care. But when a storm arrives, the children are lost and everyone must come together to find them. The children are found and killed by their own mother, and a change has begun stirring within the characters as the STORM slolwy moves closer to thier swamp.