Film list

go fish film 1994 lesbian film for lesbians

Appropriate Behavior 2014, persian bisexual film.... tv show by same woman "the bisexuals" (transphobia, cis-sexist) "when a character says something bigotted or progressive, its not a lesson, theyre not secretly speaking to the viewers. the bigoted or progressive statement cant be taken literally because its saying more about the character then it is about the world. progressive language is often a weapon that her characters use to big themselves up or to manipulate others because her work is driven by complex characters, not by didactism. ... good art has a polysemic quality to it, there can be many different readings to it. each of us take away something different...something with one true interpreation with a moral to teach. well thats just propaganda.

the miseducation of cameron post 2018:

ursula k le guin. "the profit motive is often in conflict with the aims of art"

"we are trapped in a world where our queerness is a market, where our feelings and opinions are content creation. we are the customer and we are the product."

" your twitter ire is a part of their business strategy. all your posts and all your fan art is free promotion. the more you praise them and promote them, the more you help grow their audience and quicker.